Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cap and Trade Bill Explained by Obama - Creates clean energy and new green jobs

Cap and trade will create jobs for sure; the problem is that they will be in other countries. This is not a clean energy bill, it is an anti-carbon bill. For this new law to work, it must raise energy prices. Just use your brain to think for a moment. If it does not raise energy prices, then why would industry or individuals change their ways and use less energy, or switch to "cleaner" sources of energy, or even worse, leave the country? So now that we agree that energy prices must go up in order for this law to have its intended results, the next question is who is going to be paying for these increased prices? The answer of course is you and me. You must ask yourself what is not produced by the expenditure of energy? If you think of any, then these are the things that will not see a price increase, but everything else will. This will be a huge tax increase on every one of us, rich and poor. And be assured that this is an unfair tax because of how it will be applied. It will be an increase in the price of products, goods, labor, and energy, which will unfairly affect the poor because the percentage of their income spent on these things is nearly 100%, while the rich have plenty of extra income to offset the effect of this tax increase. Obama and the democrats are planning a huge tax increase on the poor and middle class of this country, and they must be stopped. There will of course be unintended consequences with the passage of this law, which is normal when dealing ...

Houston Lawyer

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